Thursday, January 13, 2022

Deciphering Workers’ Comp. Terminology

Becoming injured on the job can be very stressful. Having to file a Workers’ Comp. claim can be confusing, complicated, and leave you searching for answers. Today I have decided to take some time to define terms and phrases that may come up during your case so that you can be better prepared throughout the course of your claim.

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI): A medical report written by a treating physician that describes the injured worker’s medical condition when it has stabilized.

Permanent Partial Disability (PPD): Payments to a worker who can still work, but whose ability to compete in the open labor market is reduced on a permanent basis after reaching MMI.

Temporary Partial Disability (TPD): Payments to a worker who can do some work while recovering but who earns less than 80% of their average weekly wage during the 91 days before the injury.

Arising Out of Employment (AOE): caused by a worker’s job and occurring while working. An injury or illness must be AOE to be covered by workers’ compensation.

Independent Medical Evaluator (IME): A physician selected to determine the cause of the medical condition, the permanent impairment of the injury, and/or the permanent limitations, if any, that the worker has sustained.

Primary Treating Physician (PTP): The doctor who is responsible for managing the overall care of the injured worker and who writes medical reports that affect the worker’s benefits.

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR): Once a physician determines that an injured worker is medically eligible and unable to return to his or her previous type of work, the employer or injured worker may choose to select a rehabilitation counselor to help determine whether vocational rehabilitation is feasible, and if appropriate, develop a suitable rehabilitation plan.

Work Restrictions: A doctor’s description of clear and specific limits on an injured worker’s job tasks, usually designed to protect the worker from further injury.

Specific Injury: An injury that was caused by one event at work. Examples: hurting your back in a fall, getting burned by a chemical that splashes on your skin, getting hurt in a car accident while making deliveries.

I hope today’s post has given you a better understanding of the legal world of Workers’ Comp. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our office!

**This blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions regarding a Workers’ Compensation case you have, please fill out our contact sheet to schedule a free consultation with Marcie Baker.


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